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Remember the dead : Fight for the living

The TUC the largest voluntary and democratic movement in Britain today with over 6 million trade union members affiliated. 
At Halton TUC we’re helping local Trades Union Branches coordinate on issues or campaigns throughout the whole of the movement in Halton.
Delegates are from Unions including: GMB, Unite, PCS, RMT and Unison.
Halton has a giant industrial heritage, from ship building in the heyday of the ports, including the first canal (Bridgewater), the chemical industry which grew from soap manufacturing, the tanning industry and a myriad of small businesses residing in the many industrial parks in the area.

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Home: Welcome


A Bit of Background

Here at Halton TUC, we have been driven for many years by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our decision making process is informed by comprehensive debate. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits.
After a short hiatus due to lack of delegates we reformed in 2011. We have slowly built up and now have delegates from: Unitetheunion, GMB, PCS, and CWU. Please email for details of registration procedures. 
For most of our time we were associated with Cheshire County Association of Trades Councils, but since the formation of the Liverpool City Region (LCR) we realised that our closer working relationship would be better served with Merseyside County Association of Trades Councils. We have been affiliated to MCaTUC for two years now (2020).

Home: Who We Are


Bringing Change

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Reinforcing our Commitment

With the TUC's mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with the challenges facing our communities.
Over the years we have talked and taken action on many challenges facing us including:
Global WarmingUnemploymentTUC New Deal CharterElection activityLocal borough issuesReagional issues
If you are a member of a trade union, ask your Branch for a nomination as a delegate to Halton TUC and join us.

Get in touch today and get involved with our cause.

Home: What We Do


Get in touch with Halton TUC to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

No Physical Location


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